Podcast Episode 22 – Fireside Chat with HL Nida

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Today’s episode is a Fireside Chat and our guest for the Fireside Chat is HL Nida. H.L. Nida was born in Northern Virginia and has lived up and down the Southern part of the East Coast of the United States. She’s an avid reader and enjoys writing Contemporary Romance novels. H.L. Nida is the author of The Arrested Series and her books are published under Adin Publishing.

Listen in as she shares what inspires her as well as some helpful tips for writers!

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As you continue browsing other podcasts on CTAMarketing.biz, remember the C.O.D.E.: “The journey begins when you take the first step, courage, optimism, determination and enthusiasm are the tools that will help you along the way!” Until next time!

-Shawntay 🙂

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